Osama Brinkhater Laden?

First of all, thank you to the two people who set a record 15 or 16 posts to Brinkhater’s obituary on the Chipmunk classic. Very good work. Keep the posts comin’.

Speaking of which, check this post out from one of our anonymous readers:

“Your work here has come up and they are on the hunt for you! Watch out looser!”

Watch our looser? What ever happened to “watch out tighter?” Come on now, anony–you’re better than that!

In terms of the content of those posts, well, I hope that you Brink Babies will let me in to what you all are smokin’, cuz its pretty darn powerful stuff. And I SURE COULD use a little diversion from the full-on debacle we are gonna witness in this season’s last half (as my friend Matt Allen said on the way back from pledge sneak after the Cougs hit 6-1 in ’89–“we’re not winning another game this year”).

So, before Vinny and Rocko sick me out of my hiding place in the Pakistani mountains, lets make a few points and assumptions clear:

1) Brinkhater is fine with 6-6 seasons. He’s even fine with consecutive losing seasons.


2) Brinkhater wants his team to contend for a title (e.g. 1st, 2nd or 3rd place) at least every third year.


3) The formula for winning every few years has been solidified by this program for nearly 20 years because every 3 years we bring along a STUD QB. Not an average QB, but A STUD QB.

Now, lets get to reality:

This season is not over. In fact, its barely 1/2 over. So, to all you Brink Babies out there: there’s still a whole half a season to take my moniker and shove it up my big buttoniker.

Now, lets get to the facts at hand where the first 1/2 of the season is concerned:

1) In two full seasons of starting (and we’re well into his 3rd season) Alex has beaten NO ONE worth a damn. That’s not to say that it is all his fault, its just a fact. NO ONE.

2) We have 4 “big” wins this year. And they were “big” because they were wins. BUT, All 4 wins were against BAD football teams. Last year, we were 3-0 against BAD teams and then lost every game when we started playing teams that were not BAD–until we concluded the season with another BAD team and won. From here out, with the exception of Arizona (and maybe ASU), there are NO bad football teams left.

3) We have struggled to score in every game save the Spuds with a third year QB and a host of talent at the skilled positions. Again, these struggles have occured against teams that just aren’t any good. Again, that’s a fact.

4) Brink has played ONE good game all year. And, he played well against SC no doubt. At the same time, a solid case can be made that we didn’t win because Brink didn’t deliver in the red zone. That’s just a fact. QBs ARE the ones who are held responsible for delivering–especially when the team exhibits the ability to move the ball up and down the field.

5) These combined factors suggest that the rest of the season is in doubt. Again, I could be wrong. Hope I’m wrong. But let this be clear:


Some other staff members of this blog disagree. I, obviously, have a higher standard.

So, there you have it. Win one of the next two and a solid 9-3 or 8-4 campain is in site and Brinkhater can be hung by his toe nails in Guantanamo. Lose the next two and we sit looking at 6-6, with a graduating defense, and a QB returning for ANOTHER YEAR of this same ole crap????

Go through the last two years of archives and see the SAME OLE BANTER about this kid. Well, Brink BABIES we’re all gonna find out who’s right over the next three weeks. We’re all gonna find out.

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