Brinkhater Supports Brink?

Hope you all are nursing the hangover from Saturday’s miserable offensive showing against CAL. While Brinkhater was not surprised by what happened on offense, he was VERY happy to see how the defense performed. Word from the CAL radio networks was that the Cougar defense was of “championship” quality. So, kudos to Akey and the group for coaching these kids up and for such a big turnaround from last year!

In terms of the “what can be done on offense” question, Brinkhater’s response is “nothing.” Rogers’ injury aside, Brinkhater’s take is that Brink should remain the starter for the rest of this year until one of three things happen:

1) The season is over (at which point the coaches should hang up his cleets hopefully FOREVER)
2) The team loses its seventh game.
3) Injury (which NO ONE wants).

Simply put, the poor performance against Baylor (which should have given mop-up time to Gary) and Rogers’ illness against Stanford prohibited Gary from getting the type of game experience he needed to function adequately THIS season. As was seen yesterday (and please remember the kid hadn’t played since Baylor), Rogers is very green and like ALL QBs in the WSU system, the break-in period is pretty laden with uneven and even awful performances.

So, while Brink has shown that he has failed to become what his supporters thought he would be (and became everything that Brinkhater knew he would be), he still represents the best shot that this team has of winning this season. And, now that the heavyweights are all-but gone, there DOES still exist the possibility of running the table the rest of the way–especially now that we KNOW that the D will keep us in games no matter who the opposition is!

With that in mind, onward to Oregon. Like Brinkhater noted two days ago, we are going to win this game. I fully expect Brink to bounce back en route to a 28-27 thriller.

Have a great week and please post if you know of a way to get radio coverage of the game via the net or other free sources…

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