Out with Leta Ford, In With Rooster

While I’m the first to admit that we have hit the MAJOR mid-season doledrums on this blog and with our football program, I am not ready to concede this blog to a GSL, Mead Panther sexual fantasy.

Sure, the first girl is cute. But the second two look like Leta Ford, on a bad day. Don’t know about the rest of the geriatric Coug nation, but chicks decked out for a Twisted Sister show (okay a Scorpion’s show with TS opening) do nothing for me.

Plus, we’re all at the age where, conceivably, any of those girls could be our daughters, so it kind of creeps me out

So, until the nude AARP calendar comes out with hot chicks with saggy breasts pointed outward, lets just be the old fat guys that we are and talk sports.

How many weeks til basketball season?

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