Well, Coug fans, how does the hangover from Saturday’s debacle feel two days after the fact? Don’t know about you all, but Brinkhater woke up this morning in the bluest of blue moods. Without question, the next two games loom large for this program. And, it would be hard to argue against the notion that this Saturday’s game represents the most important football game that has been played by the Cougies since the 2002 UCLA game (where we clinched the RB after choking against the Puppies).

Why such superlatives?

Well, you win this Saturday and you clinch a bowl birth–something that this program HAS to do this year. Second: you win Saturday and you take a GOOD dose of confidence into the Apple Cup and LOSE a whole lot of pressure in the process. Simply put, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that UW will be coming in at 5-6–so it will be A LOT better for us to have a bowl wrapped up, so we can just focus on winning a football game (as opposed to NOT losing the Apple Cup, and our entire season with it). Third: you win Saturday and you probably win the Apple Cup. Meaning: you finish 8-4 (Bravo, Rooster) and have a chance at finishing a SOLID (not great, but solid) season at 9-4.

On the flip side, lose this weekend and you lock up Alex Brink as being the only third year QB in the Post-1985 era to not win at least 9 games in the third year. You also assure no better than a 7-5 finish which is NOT a very good season if you have ANY standards for what appeared to be a pretty proud program not so long ago. When you factor in that next year will be a real struggle for us given our losses to graduation, and well, we simply have GOT to put a strong finish on this year.

So, how do we do it?

First of all, as Glenn K stated in the paper, its now time for Power Ball. The Cougs must insert the two TE set this week and get ready to POUND teams with the running game. Toward that end, Alex Brink has got to STEP UP in a major, major, MAJOR way. While Brink has been SOLID in the middle third of the season in throwing the ball over the middle, he will have to do so now WITHOUT the benefit of open space and lanes. In other words, he must make quick decisions, deliver the ball with zip, AND deliver the ball with pinpoint accuracy.

Obviously, these three criteria have not been Brink’s strength. In other words, for us to win, the Offense must now be Power possession oriented and Brink must become something that he has truly never had to do before–be a playmaker.

In short of shorts, this is the deal. If Alex wins the next two games, I’m changing the moniker to “Brinkslave” “Brinklayer” or some such. And, I, Mr. Brinkhater, are sure hopeful that he does. The future of our program depends on his ability to rise to this tremendous challenge.

Fairly or unfairly, the season now comes down to Mr Alex. Lets hope that both he, and that flipping jeckyl and hyde o-line, are up to it!

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