Bad Postseason Getting Worse??

Bad Postseason Getting Worse?? Happy Holidays (and no, that’s not Tad after the Apple Cup……at least I don’t think so.)

So, with Boise State Junior College shedding the “Junior College” tag now that they’ve done something we haven’t done since the Wright Brothers were still working on that flight thing – actually winning a BCS bowl – while I was thrilled with that fantastic finish in one of the most amazing, crazy sporting events I’ve ever seen, Boise State arriving on the scene isn’t exactly a good thing for our Cougs. In fact, it’s BAD.

For obvious reasons, they are now a major player on the scene and are rapidly becoming the Gonzaga of the NCAA football ranks, you know, that ultimate mid-major on the rise, passing Fresno State in the WAC. Even worse, it’s happening just down south from Pullman, and there is no doubt now that we’re going to be competing head-to-head with those guys for recruits. Don’t believe me? There were a few players running around out there for Boise State that were almost Cougars, including Scandrick, the DB.

Anyway, on the game itself – talk about MAJOR ONIONS on Petersen. The Hook-and-Ladder, just a thing of absolute beauty (wish that would have worked for us vs. Michigan in 1998!). The halfback pass on 4th and goal while motioning out the QB, the pass to the TE, just brilliant and 10 of the 11 Oklahoma players on D totally sold out on the run. But my God, going for 2 is one thing with the game on the line, but the frickin’ STATUE OF LIBERTY play!?! Do you realize how amazingly huge that was?? And talk about execution, that was one of the most perfect plays you’ll ever see. The line just sealed off the weak side and Johnson strolled into the endzone and on his way to holy matrimony. But wow, did they sell that play or what? What a great, great coaching job. I heard one interview before the game where Stoops said that they watched film for 4 weeks on Boise State, and heading into the game, they STILL didn’t fully know for sure what they were in for. They are that creative with what they do on offense.

The worst thing though, from our small WSU world, is that Boise State has a major chance to take huge strides the next few years. They have the young, hotshot head coach who shows no signs of wanting to bolt after dealing with a very tough family situation (his young son battled cancer). They play a wide-open, fun, entertaining brand of football. The only have 30,000 seats in their stadium, but it’s an intimate setting, and the entire city is decked out in blue and orange. And best of all for them, they play their BUTTS off, 100% effort, 100% of the time. That win over OSU earlier in the year, they just had the pedal to the metal the entire game, and in hindsight, 42-14 over the Beavs is one hell of an accomplishment and looks bigger and better by the day.

So think about how badly this postseason is going for WSU:
1) Boise State. Reasons above.
2) Oregon State – 10 wins, big bowl game win, all the momentum in the world
3) USC – MONSTERS again. 2006 was the year they were beatable, but next year? Forget it. Only 4 seniors from that team that steamrolled Michigan, a team people debated should be playing for the whole thing??
4) CAL – Great win over A & M, great coach, great recruiting, facilities on the rise, etc, etc, etc.
5) Oregon – ok, they sucked big-time, but, they are still Oregon, great facilities, nice college town, rockstar head coach, plasma’s, yellow hummer, 100 uniforms, Nike, etc.
6) Erickson – watch how fast they win 9 games and yeah, they are already stealing our recruits (Vasquez).
7) Akey – notice how quiet it is in regards to a replacement? What the heck is going on??

Now, please, tell me what we can feel GOOD about right now? Our stadium renovation is underway, so at least we won’t have to miss a quarter just to use the bathroom next year. We’ll have a new scoreboard that is 4 times the size of our current one, so that’ll be cool. But that’s about it. Again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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