Turn out the lights

We’ll always have Shawn Kemp throwing down with authority and Gee-Pee’s whirling dervish drives and annoying defense. We’ll always have George Karl and that f-you attitude that came with him along with SOS pressure defense of Bob Kloppenberg. But after tonight, we won’t have the Sonics.

“This a staggering and quite likely a debilitating blow to our efforts to develop a world-class arena facility. Clearly at this time the Sonics and Storm have little hope of remaining in the Puget Sound region,” owner Clay Bennett said in a statement.

At least we have YouTube. Makes me sure as hell remember how important they used to be around here:



I guess our next hope is that once the Sonics are gone, that Bennett will have a heart and leave the Sonics name, logo and history in Seattle for hopefully, someday another team can have it and the OKC franchise will get it’s own name. Hopefully he’ll pull an Art Modell and just leave it all behind and start fresh in OKC. The OKC Sonics? Makes no sense – NONE – but neither do the Utah Jazz. Oh well. Cougar hoops just got a lot more important!

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