I Could Get Used to This

I Could Get Used to This Looks good to me! But here’s the thing – can the Sonics lose in this position? All they have to do is sit back and take whoever is there after Portland makes their pick. Whether Durant fits a Portland need better, and there are rumblings already that Durant might be their guy when it’s all said and done, their GM already quoted as saying you need to be able to run in the west, etc, either the Sonics get the best small-forward prospect since, well, who knows, OR they get the best big-man prospect since Shaq or Duncan! Even they can’t blow it….can they?

I still think this is the best thing that could have happened in order to create a buzz in keeping the team around. They needed this luck more than any other franchise, and luckily the ping-pong balls did their thing. I am holding out hope that the 11th hour produces a deal, and the rumors are already out there that people with a lot of money want to keep the team here, and are interested in the arena deal or even buying the team altogether. I really think Durant could have the trickle-down that they need so badly around here.

And how great is it that the NW gets Oden AND Durant?!? I love all the whining from the east already complaining about not being able to see these two guys until late at night, ESPN’s Outside The Lines doing a feature on how unfair the lottery is, etc. Does anyone think Outside The Lines would do a story like that if Boston and Memphis would have gotten the first two picks?!?! OF COURSE NOT. ESPN’s suck-fest with all things east is sickening. And where was the outrage last year when Portland, who DID HAVE THE WORST RECORD last year, got the 4th pick? You didn’t hear a sound about it. So stop whining Jerry West. Sure, you’re the logo and all that, but this is the system in place to keep your punk-ass teams from tanking it.

Finally, tough couple of days for WSU or what? Secondary coach and respected WSU alum Ken Greene gets canned for inappropriate conduct, the details still yet to be known; a likely backup and 3rd down back in Hutsona in the backfield and probably Patterson in the secondary are both gone, with strong rumors floating that more are on the way; oh yeah, June Daugherty collapses on her way to a physical, suffering a heart attack. Thank God she’s going to be ok. DOES THE FUN EVER START!?!?

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