It’s JR Time, Bitches.

It's JR Time, Bitches.

It’s JR Time. Your blog is MINE.

Listen up kiddies. This is JR and I’m running the show today. You better listen up and listen good cause everything I say is fucking awesome. It’s like the second coming.

Get used to this, cause now that I’m retired, I don’t have shit to do. So I’m gonna take some time out of my day to enlighten you. Enjoy. This is a fucking blessing for you. You’re sitting around, drinking your coffee and jerking off at work, reading this poor excuse for a blog, and lo and behold, here’s JR. You should be thankful every time you hear me speak. This is the smartest thing you’re going to read all week.

Don’t worry about that douche Kevin. He’s around. Today he’s at work. What a tool.

So you’re stuck with me for the day. You better enjoy it. They don’t call me The Mouth for nothing. Cause everything I say is fucking awesome. Almost as good as what I do on the ice. God I’m so good. I can still play like the legend that I am. Gretzky is just a fag. Who benches JR? No one. Unless you’re a giant asshole. Like Gretzky. What a fag.

Enjoy you’re day, kiddies. It’s not going to get any better than this. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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