Kid Survives Tumor, Cancer But Gets Cut From Hoop Team

(Editor's Note: This story has nothing to do with the Celtics or NBA, but it really struck a nerve with me this morning, hence the post)

I'm all for competitive youth sports. In fact, I despise organizations that refuse to recognize winning and losing. However, there is a time and place for compassion in youth sports.

Conor Smith is a 13-year old from Minnesota who spent the last two years battling a brain tumor and leukemia. Chemo treatment forced him to miss the entire 2007 season, but he toughed it out and was able to play last season.

He missed tryouts this year because he was wearing casts on both legs to ease stiffened calf muscles caused by the chemo. The casts are coming off next week, but it's too late for Conor, he was one of four kids cut by the league.

"Could there be an exception, I guess there could have been but we try
to keep everything according to our policies as best we can," said Beth
Koenig, who co-directs the basketball association with her husband

Damn, now that's a ruthless move. And that opinion is coming from a hardened a-hole like myself.

Not a single coach in the league stood up and said,"'ll take Conor, because he'll be a great role model for my team?"

I appreciate uber-competitive leagues and applaud efforts to teach kids tough love, but all bets are off when cancer is involved. Give the kid a freakin' break.

There's one more kick to the nuts for the Smith family; Conor's dad, Tim, was told he's no longer needed as a coach.

(Via Sports By Brooks and

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