As you all know by now, Brinkhater sure likes to put out. But, the one area where I am not ready to spread the wealth is toward crowning our much maligned little Alex for lighting up a bad football team.

Like I’ve said consistently in this short season, for us to taste the fruits of mediocrity, Alex Brink is not only going to have to be GREAT against San Diego State, he is going to HAVE TO put up the same type of numbers against Belotti’s Babes, the Beavs, Conquest, and so forth… And, as the Cougar nation knows, Alex has seldom played poorly against weak competition, its how he plays against the upper division teams that matters.

At the same time, ALL COUGARS SHOULD REMEMBER (e.g. do not forget) that were it not for injuries to Bumpus and Hill in the Arizona game, we would have probably finished 9-3, would have won a conference co-championship by default (having lost to the other co-champions, SC and CAL) and we would NOT be talking about Doba’s job, Brink’s consistent mediocrity and so forth.

So, lets move on to the Spuds.

Personally, Brinkhater feels this game is important for two reasons. First, Doba MUST further implement a scheme with just a TAD bit more complexity than what he has shown thus far. The reason: it is Brinkhater’s view that it is usually a good idea to practice something in a game situation BEFORE starting a conference tilt that begins with the #1 team in the nation. Moreover, without an improved scheme (as well as improved play), this team is going to get TORCHED in the conference. As I said last week, while our offense is clearly skilled and effective, Brinkhater does NOT believe that our current scheme will allow us to win 42-40 type games. We are going to have to keep our opponents under 30pts per game.

Brinkhater also thinks that this upcoming tilt is important because it is PROBABLY a good idea to get your back-up QB a rep or two sometime in your first three games. Just a thought.

So, its important that we gain enough separation early against the Spuds in order to give some other guys some much needed PT.

With regard to other Alex Brink comments, it really goes without question that he is the best, if not only, chance for us to win this year. So, while we still have a season, lets ease up a bit.

That said, the moment we hit 6 losses, I will be organizing a full campain to have #10 not only benched, but banished for life. Rumor has it that Chad Degrenier is lonely on the Island of Misfit Cougs….

In the meantime, feel free to weigh in on any issues related to the Spuds, to the UW-Buckeye tilt, or your early thoughts about how the outcome in Lincoln this Saturday may influence the WSU-Conquest match in a couple of weeks..

Have a good one..

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