No Stepping Stone

Well, I hope that you all had the opportunity to check out the Spokesman today and Nick’s slew of videos of the press conference.

If you want a quick summary in picture form, here it is:
No Stepping Stone
You know, I have some members of family who are die-hard Buckeye fans who couldn’t wait to see Cooper given the axe a few years back.
And so given their hype and speculation, I almost fell off my rocker when I heard that faithful day that they hired some no-name, sweater vest, pea-head from Youngstown State. I mean, what they hell were they thinking?
But then I saw the highlights on ESPNnews of his press conference, the IMMEDIATE proclamation that they were going to beat Michigan every year, the talk of National Titles, the vision for how the program was going to be run….And after you heard him, you just new that all Michigan fans out there were in a real world of hurt.
And so I doth say this before the Husky Nation on this faithful day: you BETTER win in the next couple of years, cuz if you don’t, you will be forever LOCKED in the cellar of the Northwest schools.
Coach Paul is the real stinkin’ deal, folks. A true, Crimson-blooded, leader of men. This team will fight, it will be fundamentally sound, and it will both outwill AND outscheme people. I can’t wait for next year!
And remember: College Football more than any other major college sport is about coaching.
Why? Because there are not enough hours in the day for coaches and players to be able to prepare and adjust to what other teams can throw at them. In that way, the sheer amount of pressure that we are going to put on teams by running the no huddle is going to be overwhelming. Its simply a matter of time of indoctrinating players into the system.
But, in addition to this being the right hire across the board, this hire was about making a solid attempt for our beloved university to have a long-term solution to football. And that meant hiring a guy who wasn’t going to either put his teeth in the glass in a few years or jump at the first MAJOR, MAJOR college opportunity that came his way.
Coach Paul (C.P.) is both young and committed. He is the only true solution to our programs needs and problems.
This was a shot that we absolutely had to take.
That all said, while we all need to be patient, this year is going to be absolutely critical for the program. Win this year as Hootie McBoob predicted that we will, and we will be able to collect a group of players NEXT year that will set this program in motion.
And we will.
I already love this guy.
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