Top 10 Things I LOVE About Being a Coug

Top 10 Things I LOVE About Being a Coug

Happy Valentine’s Day, Cougs.
One of the great – and truly ironic – things about marriage is that the longer you’re married, the less effort you have to put into Valentine’s Day. It’s even better when you add kids to the mix because your focus becomes more on them than yourselves. Mrs. McBoob and I made a deal several years ago that there would be no gifts exchanged between us; and romantic Valentine’s dinners for two are a thing of the past, since Mini McBoob arrived seven years ago.

Now, I’m not so naive to believe that just because we agreed on no gifts, that it actually means I’m completely in the clear; so I always get the Missus a card and a little something. This year it was a picture frame with some cute pics of the kids. In years past, this would have easily one-upped the homemade card my wife makes me and I go to bed happy, knowing that I’ve earned some valuable points in this ongoing game called marriage. The good news/bad news this year is that she one-upped ME, by getting me Tiger Woods Golf for the Wii. How dare she! Now I’m stuck with the task of trying to figure out how to at least get back to even. There’s no chance of getting flowers delivered at the last minute so I’ll probably cook a nice dinner, shave my back and warm up her side of the bed. Hopefully that works. Wish me luck.

Anyway, in honor of the holiday men LOVE to hate, here are the top 10 reasons I LOVE being a Coug:

10. Pullman bars do not know the meaning of the term “over-served”.
10A. Even Arby’s serves beer in Pullman.
9. Snow on gameday ensures a Cougar victory.
8. Leaving your legacy does not require a $2.5 million gift to the school. A $2.50 Sharpie and a trip to the Coug is all you need.
7. Christmas bonus and vacation time can be spent on the family instead of expensive trips to bowl games.
6. Bledsoe to Bobo; Leaf to Jackson; Brink to Gibson.
5. The Mayor, Glenn Johnson and Unbiased Bob Robertson. Football never sounded so good.
4. Nothing beats a hangover like a Cougar Country Drive-In Super Basket, Mt Dew and about 18 cups of fry sauce.
3. Trips to Pullman in October and November include pheasant hunting and/or steelhead fishing.
2. Drinking and swearing don’t get you kicked out of the ‘Family Section’.
1. Beating the Cougs will NEVER feel as good as it does when we beat you.
Go Cougs!

Top 10 Things I LOVE About Being a Coug

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