Keep on Running

Just keep goin’ baby…

Keep on Running

Just keep runnin’, runnin’, runnin’, runnin’, and runnin’ til you’re WAY out of town.

Honestly, Cougar Nation, I have never looked more forward to an NFL draft in me entire life.

I mean, I am simply BEYOND flabbergasted that the Big Apple is anywhere near someone’s draft board. It simply is beyond me. WWWWWWWAAAAAYYYYY beyond me.

I thought long and hard about a wager that I could make with the Cougar faithful about Alex getting drafted, but couldn’t come up with anything.

That said, I am more than open to a friendly wager about his prospects of being on an opening day roster. So, if you have any good ideas, go ahead and post-away. I’m ready and willing to put up a weekend of manlove with Stl_Glenn for anyone who beats me.

So, here’s my prediction for any of you “takers” out there: NONE. There is NO CHANCE King Klipboard has of making a roster. NONE.

In terms of our other brethren, I give Bumpus the All-Arena endorsement. Enjoy your career in Albany, Bump. After that, I think that Bump may have a broadcasting career. He’s a good looking kid and despite his academic struggles, he seems to be a real articulate kid. Get your masters, Bump!

Meanwhile, Byrd has a good chance at being all world at eating Brats at tailgate parties, but not much more. I think the move to guard hurt him a lot last year.

But, I really like the chance of Abdullah and Jedzilla making a team. I like A’s prospect as a nickel guy as well as a special teams player. And I think that Jedzilla has special teams and/or practice team written all over him. He may not be fast enough for combine drills, but his game speed is solid and his hands and blocking make him a legit threat to make a roster. I really like that kid and actually like him to land in Miami as a Free Agent (did someone say that Brinkhater has sources? Hmmmmmm)

The big question, of course, is what players the “big purple” may land in the pros. Pretty amazing, but they are looking at the real chance of having a goose egg year in the draft.

Imagine that: The Huskies with NO ONE in the pros? Man, has big brother gotten fat or what?

Also: stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for a weekly segment to be called the “Brinkhater Diaries.” I am modeling it after Larry King’s columns in USA today. Just a bunch of rambling without the burden of having to complete any sentences (I call it Ditka-eeze)…..

Like Hooty promised earlier last fall, I plan on drinking somewhat heavily before each post…we’ll see if you all can tell any difference between that work and the other schumlch I’ve dealt over the last four years…

Until then…

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