Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy

Brinkhater Diaries: Vol 1 (4)

Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy

“With the fourth pick in the 2008 NBA draft the Oklahoma, er, Seattle, Sonics, pick…..”

Well, now that the Supes fell out of the top 2 in Tuesday’s draft Lotto, the quest now turns to seeing who they are going to pick up. Granted, we don’t know who is going to be available when the Sonics are on the clock, but in my book, there is only one choice. THE BIG DUMMY:

Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy
Of course, I am not referring to THAT Big Dummy, Lamont (BUT HOW GREAT WOULD it be to have Grady sitting next to Kevin Calabro on all broadcasts?) But I AM referring to Lord King Marble Marble Mouth, B. Lopez.

Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy
While currently has him slated for Minneyhana, I think he would be a perfect fit for the Supes. And, although some aren’t that high on him (Jerry Brewer likened him to Captain Cayman of the Clipps), I think he is a real star in the making: Shot blocking, nice touch around the basket, clutch, and he’s a guy who will be able to match up with any big in the West. He could be a real game changer even a T. Duncan type. With Lopez in tow, the Sonics frontcourt looks lean and mean for the years to come!

Sticking with the NBA, a big shout out to CP3 for once again showing the world that I am an idiot (see former issue of the Diaries where I picked the Hornets to beat the Spurs in five). But in addition to Chris Paul, were any of you surprised when Lebron was sent on his summer-long fishing trip on Lake Eerie on Sunday? I wasn’t.

Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy
As the above pick shows you somewhat decently, King James has a MAJOR flaw in his jump shot: that right elbow has a tendency to flare way the hell out there on WAY too many occasions. What is amazing is how he can be so stinking awesome with such crappy/erratic shooting mechanics. IF King James can ever get his elbow in consistently, then he will become the Tiger Woods of basketball: LeBron would average nearly 40 a game and would be absolutely unstoppable. I mean, the game seems easy for him now, but imagine what things would be like if he got his shot in order. Scawey stuff.

Finally, my big shout out of the week goes to Vince “Get A” Grippi from the Spokesman. Don’t know if you all caught the “hot press” this past week, but reported earlier in the week that our hot basketball recruit Casto now has a qualifying ACT score!

Now, in fairness to Grippy, any student athlete needs more than a passing SAT or ACT to become eligible. And as Grippy reported, we will not know whether or not Casto completed all of the coursework he needs to play next year at WSU until after school gets out.

However, given the fact that Casto has been homeless, has had an incredibly difficult family life, has attended multiple high schools in the last year, and has recently dedicated his time toward studying for that test, could it have been possible for Grippy to more positively report on that accomplishment as a center piece instead of giving us a Caveat Casserole? Or, was it much more important for him to take the “not so fast my friends/grumpy-ole-poopy-pants” approach and gloss over Casto’s significant accomplishment of moving from being homeless to being on the brink of attending a four-year university? Way to go, Grippy! Might I suggest that you change your visage on the Spokesman site to something that looks more like this, you old Grump:

Brinkhater Diaries: The Big Dummy
And so, Cougar Nation, I doth bequeeth Vince Grippy, this week’s “WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!………..”

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