Monday Morning Commentary – Aurora

There are many things that happen in your life when you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when it happened. Those old enough will remember that for when the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt occurred. Everyone will always recall where they were the morning the towers were attacked.

This past Thursday night when the shootings occurred most of America was asleep. Midnight premieres of big profile movies have become commonplace as of late and it’s part of the excitement of seeing that movie before anyone else. We live in an era where we are over ten years removed from the attack on the towers and have to have the same resolve as we did then. We cannot allow an attack like this one to make us scared to live.

I will be honest and  tell you that my son was at a similar premiere here in our home town and I had no idea he was. He is twenty years old and is a college student who does live at home and works as well. He can pretty much come and go as he pleases. I will tell you that I can only imagine what those parents went through worrying about their children. My heart goes out to the families and friends for the loss of their loved ones. It’s a trajedy that needs all of America to get behind those affected for support.

Sometimes the real world interjects on our sports entertainment, but living our lives around here means continuing to enjoy all things Ohio State. Two things to remember for this week: Coach Meyer’s first FNL at tOSU is Friday night in the Horseshoe and promises to be a huge show. Please don’t forget to check out #BirdieforBoonie on Buckeye Empire and PLEASE do whatever you can to help.

Check back later for news of the sanctions handed down from NCAA president Mark Emmert to Penn State. It’s a dark time on the campus in Happy Valley and it’s about to get a lot worse this morning at 9 a.m.

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