Ch ch ch ch Changes… Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUB

As I am sure you are all aware, Cougar football Saturdays will be getting a face lift over the coming seasons and while we usually focus on the stadium renovations I took some time today, along with my dear old dad, Papa Longball, to check out the new and improved CUB. Here’s what we saw:

Being snuggled up so close to Martin Stadium, as a gathering place for the Crimson faithful, the CUB has always had great potential that is finally being realized. Here we see the cleaned up CUB exterior.

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBA lot of work has been done in the Glen Terrel Mall area, but most of it will still be recognizable. It is when you enter the CUB that you may not recognize where you are. Here you can see the main floor complete with video game consuls where students can get their Wii on.

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUB

Pretty cool, and looks to me like it’s already a hit with the student body. Also on the main floor you’ll find a food court…

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBStill waiting for most of the vendors to set up shop, but once they’re all in, the new CUB will be full of dining options including this place…

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUB… which has a tragic name, but promises beer so who am I to complain? Dupus Boomer’s (ugh), along with a couple other eateries will be on the lower level of the CUB which looks like this…

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBThe window to left with the frosted Coug logo is the new Bookie which has entrances on the main floor and the lower level. I was bummed that they hadn’t been able to duplicate that good ‘ol Bookie smell. Ya know what I’m talkin about? Oh well. One of my favorite things about the new Bookie… you never had a view like this from the old one…

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBAfter seeing the new construction on the back side of the CUB from the new Bookie windows, Papa Longball and I decided it was time to take a closer look. From the main floor food court you can exit the back of the CUB on a couple different stairways, either to the stadium, or to the CUB ballroom balcony.

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBLets hope we get our cannon back on that balcony soon!

The stairway tower over the SW corner of the stadium is one of the most interesting parts of the renovation and provides direct access from the main level of the CUB to the walkway behind the west end zone stands. It also provides an awesome view of the stadium which begs the question, will there be restricted access to this during games, or can I just watch from here for free?

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUB

Looks like one of the best seats in the house isn’t even in the house.

For those who are too chicken to take the millions of stairs in the tower, there is an elevator, but today it was out of order. Under a blistering sun and 200 degree heat, Papa Longball and I had no choice but to hike up and down that tower the old fashioned way. While this is an easy feat for a young, fit specimen such as myself, it took its toll on Papa Longball who is 150 years old, has 2 peg legs and only one good eye. But in Cougar land no sacrifice is without its reward and for being such a trooper the old man was rewarded with what must be the seasons first photo-op with Butch T Cougar!

Ch ch ch ch Changes... Two Generations of Longballs Check Out the New CUBTo show he is still in good spirits and no worse for the wear, Papa Longball flashes that universal symbol for overcoming adversity, the Mike Utley Thumbs-up. What a trooper!

All in all we came away quite impressed with the new CUB. It will definately be a popular spot for the Crimson faithful to gather on Cougar Football Saturdays for years to come. I’ll meet you all at Dupus Boomer’s on September 6 for pre-game pitchers!

Until then,


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