Monday Morning Commentary – Twitter

Monday Morning Commentary - Twitter
It is a fine line between cheeky web shenanigans and far more serious banter in this age of social media. The internet never forgets.

In my short time on twitter, more specifically since taking on being a blogger for the Buckeye Battle Cry and the Good in Sports , I have tried to stick to a golden rule. If I don’t have anything positive to say, I won’t say anything at all.

Now that’s just me and it lends to my attitude that if someone is being stupid on twitter, I let them be stupid. It will take care of itself and people will see people for what they are through their actions.

Other people clearly do not share those same ideas regarding what is appropriate commentary on Twitter and online more generally.

This leads me to believe that what may or may not be considered cyber bullying needs to be looked in to and thought about more deeply by those that may participate in such not so innocent shenanigans.

I have seen people go on a rampage and attack players, fans, recruits and even bloggers for things that they post. Has anyone stopped to think that you cannot really hide behind the twitter account?

That’s right, everything you say online is linked directly to you and they can find you. All it takes is for one person to have had enough and bam! a legal nightmare. If you don’t care that people see your negative side then my hats off to you, but being a bully on twitter will have its consequences eventually. Do you want to be the first one they go after?

Friday Night Lights

I wanted to go to Columbus this past weekend and attend Coach Meyers first FNL but was unable to. It appears that only around 2,000 people attended which included our own Tim Shoemaker- once again a big thank you to him for his coverage of the event.

Two things jumped out at me prior to the event even starting.

The first thing was the information coming out about some of the alumni who would be in attendance assisting the staff. Jim Lachey, Orlando Pace and LeCharles Bentley were there to help with o-linemen, which was an amazing group, but the one that really jumped out at me was Bentley.

Monday Morning Commentary - Twitter
All American at OSU and has his own o-line academy that's very successful

Benbtley has a solid presence on twitter and has been honest more times than not about the situation with linemen at tOSU.

He has his own academy that has gone a long way in the past few years to help some former college players make it in the NFL. I chatted with him on twitter last fall and on more than one occasion tweeted how I would love to see him on staff.

It is my hope that this has opened the door for him as he has played a role in the latest commit that took place this weekend.

My second thought on FNL is that even though there were only around 2,000 in attendance, I believe that it was a solid success. Most people would like to wait to see what something is going to be like before committing to being a part of the crowd. Those who did attend got to see around 300 of the best recruits on the radar for the future. They also got a glimpse at just how brutal Joey Bosa is going to be as one of the reporters covering the event tweeted something about John Simon and then realized it wasn’t him at all, it was Bosa.

Fall Camp

This week is going to be one of the longest weeks in recent memory.

We are finally in the home stretch for football camp to start. I for one am very excited about some of the things we are going to see. I am also excited about what tBBC has coming for you.

We are looking forward to our conference previews and the introduction of a new writer or two. It is also good to see Mali back at the wheel and Eric should be along soon also!

Have a great Monday everyone.

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