Player of the Week: Paul Pierce

Pierce lay up

Games this week

  • Dallas:  24 pts, 3 reb, 3 ast, 2 st. 3 to
  • @Detroit:  21 pts, 6 reb, 2 ast, 2 st. 4 to
  • Portland: 24 pts, 3 reb, 4 ast, 1 stl, 3 to

Pierce shot 24/42 for the week, good for 57%.  The problem is he took 17, 12, and 13 shots in these 3 games.  Maybe you can argue that the efficiency would go down if he forced more shots… but I'd still like to see Pierce take over a little more in these times where the team is struggling.  But very often, he's the reason why this team is even sticking around in some games.  And you can make just as solid an argument that Pierce is sticking to the team concept even during the C's struggles… showing the guys that he has faith in them to step up.  When the rest of the team snaps out of its funk, you can maybe point to how Pierce didn't panic in January and toss Ubuntu out the window… sticking to the game plan even when its hard to do that.

Photo by Brian Babineau/NBAE via Getty Images

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