Silver Bullet Points Has Been To The Mountaintop

Silver Bullet Points Has Been To The
Yosemite = Buckeye Nation

On Tuesday, I was impressed by Danny from 11W posting his “OHIO” photo from the top of Mt. Baker, for a couple of reasons. First, I’ve lived in WA and skied at Baker all the time. Second, I was hoping to have a similar photo from the top of Mt. Whitney under my belt by the end of this summer, but a couple of family issues prevented me from enhancing the highest peak in the continental US in such a glorious way. Finally, I love shots of the outdoors, and just got back from a week long trek as well- the photo on the right is much lower than Danny’s, but includes at least one Michigan fan. Always good to spread the gospel, right?

It’s good to be back… right before the team goes camping as well.  And here… we… go…

Buckeye 411

  • Somebody’s watching- The pre-season lists keep being kind to Buckeyes, with John Simon being named to the Hendricks List (since there’s not a Chuck Norris list) and Big Hank being tabbed as a CBS All American.
  • One Bad Motha’-  So, the Tuesday Newsday saw reports that Brionte Dunn would not be facing drug charges, as the officer in charge did not believe that the substance and paraphernalia in question belonged to the freshman running back. According to the rumor mills of several Ohio State message boards, this was due in part to Brionte’s mom reporting to the scene to take responsibility and ownership of the “goods”, which means that someone is getting a really awesome gift this May.  We’ll find out Friday what consequences will result from this situation, as that’s when the Buckeyes report for the beginning of fall training.
  • Productivity? Yeah right-  Particularly as we grow closer to fall practice it gets harder for those of us who have real jobs to focus on our “responsibilities”. I’m just attributing it to OHIOADHD and leaving it at that. It also doesn’t help that the Sports Information Department is enabling my problems by releasing the media guide during a work week.  Here’s the link– the effing TPS reports can wait, right?
  • Feeling Inspired? As if the media guide weren’t distracting enough, here’s a clip of the video that Friday Night Lights participants got to experience. Of course, you’ll have to imagine the huge scoreboard screen and thundering sound… unless, that is, your office is a whole lot cooler than mine.

This Week In Scandal

Penn State

  • Exodus- And so, it begins: Silas Redd to USC (should students be allowed to leave a probationary program to go to a probationary program?), Rob Bolden to LSU, Khairi Fort to Cal, Kevin Haplea to Florida State, and several others looking at Rutgers.
  • However- There are some things that can help the Lions from within the NCAA’s own rules. And, for what it’s worth, USC seems to come through the NCAA Gauntlet just fine…
  • My Take-  On the one hand, I like that the NCAA’s decision is substantial but doesn’t limit student athletes who had nothing to do with the situation. Vacated wins mean nothing to those with memories (Isn’t that right, Razorbacks?), and the chance to transfer without penalty gives an opening for the transfers that we mentioned before. The NCAA also didn’t gut the football program- they will be able to exist, and rebuild in ways that will indicate their character.  On the other hand, though, it’s frustrating that the NCAA once again showed that it Mis powerless to respond unless something is handed directly to them. They did no investigation of their own, resorting to using court proceedings and the Freeh report as the foundation for their decisions. No wonder people point to them as merely a public relations firm trying to fiddle like mad while Rome burnsIt will be interesting to see the forthcoming lawsuits– words like “unprecedented” tend to mean “without any rationale or support.

Additionally, though, the behavior of PSU fans (at least those most vocal and representative on the message boards and interwebs) is also troubling… particularly in that they highlight how far many have moved away from the ideals of the higher educational mission of the University. Do people complain when tenure is not granted, majors are cut, or tuition raised? And yet, limitations on an auxiliary aspect of the campus seems to bring out the worst in people, both behaviorally and via their attitudes.

Oh, and I’m very aware that this isn’t just a Happy Valley phenomenon- I’m still waiting for the secret FBI report that will exonerate Jim Tressel… I’m sure it’s coming, given how often I read about it in various emails from OSU friends. Just another stick in the pile that I’ve been trying to clear away all summer.


While it was nice of the NCAA to wait until I was in the back country to “handle” Penn State, I also am chagrined that I missed the super awesome reveal of several new uniform sets for this season. I’ll be honest: I like Northwestern’s look, and think that, if they do something similar across all of their teams, it will really be distinctive. The “special” uniforms for Michigan’s game against Alabama and Nebraska’s game with Wisconsin, though… Yuk. I guess that’s what happens when your gear is made by a corporation that specializes in soccer equipment.

And Finally

Starting where we began: While I didn’t quite get this view of the stars, backpacking makes me appreciate just how amazing our earth is and how small and insignificant we all are.  Especially if you’re not a Buckeye.

[vimeo 45878034 w=480 h=270]

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