Silver Bullet Points- 2012 Training Camp Edition

Silver Bullet Points- 2012 Training Camp
The Sandman And Friends

With today starting the 2012 Ohio State football season, we’re going to be hitting you with odds and ins during our regularly schedule inanity.  Here goes-

  • Ch-ch-ch-changes: With the move to semesters, the practice schedule is a bit different than it was in the past. Today, for instance, there are two practices (veterans first, rookies this afternoon), but true “two a days” won’t start until next week to accommodate the conclusion of the summer semester’s classes.
  • Uncovering the truth: Because of the above, most of the players moved onto campus over the past few days, depriving us of the glorious “guys carrying luggage” photos. While that’s the rationale that SID Jerry Emig is telling everyone, our research shows a deeper, more sinister reason for this change- Cameras are afraid of John Simon.
  • Feed The Beast- Thursday night was the “Champion’s Dinner” for those who excelled during the off-season’s training, and also as a “last meal” in prep for the work ahead. As we get updates on who was honored during this, we’ll add them to this post.
  • All About Timing- Some pre-camp testing 40 times are coming in: B. Roby ran a 4.39 (twice), and Carlos Hyde ran a 4.35.
  • Buckeye dilemma: Yesterday, we were informed that the Four Letter Network has been granted access to the Buckeye training camp for a special series of telecasts on ESPNU/and the main channel (Ball State will be on The Ocho, if you’re interested). Times and dates are at the link above.  We had this discussion on the ol’ twitter yesterday- does this mean that OSU and ESPN have kissed and made up? I think that it’s a mutually beneficial relationship between the two- OSU gets great PR and exposure, and starts to re-set the narrative. ESPN does what ESPN does, find a way to get viewers and sell product.  I still believe that the network is less than enthusiastic about the BTN “snub”, but with the ESPN/B1G contract coming up for renewal in the near future (as well as the economics of the new playoff), perhaps they’ve decided to shift their coverage. We’ll see… unless you’re still boycotting, which I totally support.
  • On the other hand- ESPN’s access means that local coverage will be significantly reduced this season. So, the people who know the program the best and cover it the closest have been pushed aside for the new hotness from Bristol. Yup.
  • It begins- It’s not RobbyD (you’ll see his work here soon), but the guys at MotSaG (BBN brother from another mother) posted a great pre-season video:


  • And finally- Ten years ago today my household went from pure scarlet and gray to including a little bit of red and white. The first words I remember hearing her say at the party where we met? “Yeah, but they don’t play defense on the west coast”. Thanks for putting up with my stupidity passion for this long, dear…  you’re welcome for Coach Pelini, and get ready for October 6.
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