TMobile Ticket Giveaway


TMobile just gave us a bunch of balcony tickets to give away for Wednesday night's game.  So we're giving a few away right now. 

The first 4 people to answer this question correctly get two tickets to the Bobcats game:

How many MVP's has Kevin Garnett won?  We need the total number AND the seasons.

In an effort to make sure everyone gets a shot at winning something, you're not eligible to win this contest if you've won anything from us in the past 3 months.  So that means our last contest winners and the myTouch 3G winners from the party are not eligible.

Everyone else hop to it.  Again.. the first 4 correct answers are the winners.  And if you missed out on this contest, don't worry.  We've got more tickets to Wednesday's game that we're giving away on our Twitter and our Facebook pages.  So sign up for those and you'll get another chance to win.

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