Enemy Chatter: Hearing KG go sour grapes is satisfying

I often wonder what opposing teams, their beat reporters and bloggers are saying about the Celtics after playing the Celtics. Here's a dose of 'enemy chatter' from Oklahoma City.

With Durant dropping 37 points in Boston, I can understand the confusion for Garnett, but it has nothing to do with the whistle. Garnett has a big mouth so this is nothing new, but with OKC winning one of its biggest games of the year over the Celtics, hearing KG go sour grapes is kind of satisfying. As Garnett griped, all I can think of is this. Mmm, tears.

Daily Thunder: Earmuffs – KG compares KD to MJ

I’m going to avoid saying much about Kendrick Perkins, but geez man. Smacking Nenad on his hurt finger? That’s pretty low.

Paul Pierce is probably the biggest foul faker/exaggerator in the league. He yells after every shot and always throws his arms up. But kudos to him because it works. You won’t hear me complaining about any officiating tonight though. OKC shot 34 free throws to Boston’s 17. Durant took 15 (and hit all 15) by himself. So I’m sure there’s some Celtic grumbling.

Daily Thunder: Jeff Green and Thunder sink Celtics

Without a doubt, this is the best win in the Thunder’s two-year history. And I think we can all agree that it’s not even close. The Thunder beat up the schoolyard bully in its on backyard Wednesday night, first standing toe-to-toe with the Celtics and exchanging counter-punches, then delivering a knockout punch in the form of a dominant fourth quarter. And by the time it was over, there was no more doubt about the Thunder. This turnaround is for real and, evidently, still  gaining steam even this late into the season.

Thunder Rumblings

Tough to argue with the sour grapes comment. OKC got the win and they deserve to pound their chest.

I not sure what the reference to Perk injuring Nenad (shave your god damn head will you? those wisps of hair aren't fooling anyone) is all about. Anyone else catch wind of this?

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