Monday Morning Commentary – Overreacting

Monday Morning Commentary - Overreacting
#25 could be a part of this year's offense for the Scarlet and Gray

Spent the biggest part of my day Sunday trying to decide what I wanted to rant about this week, and I will keep it brief.

Too many times in the social media world we take for granted that information that’s being put out there is fact. More recently, in regards to situations with Brionte’ Dunn and Storm Klein, we have passed judgement on these players just because someone released information prior to the actual facts. As we have learned, Dunn’s case has pretty much run its course and he will probably pay for what many consider to be a bogus charge. Moving on can be a huge positive for a player that has an opportunity to contribute.

If you are active on twitter or facebook, then you know exactly what I am talking about. People were clamoring to have him off the team for being stupid as far as drugs are concerned and the fact is they weren’t even his. I applaud his mother for taking full responsibility for the situation and doing the best she can to help her son.

In the Storm Klein case, there has emerged a possibility that he will be exonerated for his domestic battery charges. His attorney filed a motion for dismissal of charges based on the alleged victim recanting- you can read the report  here.

Monday Morning Commentary - Overreacting
Media days 2011; It'll be nice to see a smile on his face again.

Everything being said, they have to wait for a hearing and then he can continue with his life.If what his attorney says is accurate, it seems as if the best thing would be for the football program to reinstate him so he can enjoy his senior year. I understand the need to protect a woman who claimed that she had been hurt and support all programs that are in place for abuse prevention. At any rate, this is yet another lesson in the drawbacks of our “report first, fact check second” culture.

Have a great Monday and an even better week- September 1 is rapidly approaching, does it get any better than that?


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