I always get a kick out of Mike Schopp when he bad mouths the NFL product, and then acts as if the NHL is the all world sport. Today, Paul Hamilton was on with Schopp and pretty much the two of them beat up on the Bills. Before you start sending your Sabres hate mail to me, I don’t have a problem with them criticizing the Bills. But my issue with their discussion is towards the end of their interview. Schopp was yucking it up with Hamilton about how they couldn’t wait for hockey season to start, as if they were kids waiting for Santa Clause on Christmas Eve. Then the two of them went on to bad mouth the NFL as a product and put over the NHL.
Look, you can be a bigger NHL fan over the NFL, but don’t try and insult my intelligence by telling me the NLF product is a joke. I mean how wrong can 95.4 million people who watched last years super bowl be? Of course, WGR being the home for the Buffalo Sabres has absolutely nothing to with his stance.
I know I’m going to get some bad comments (Dale?) about my stance on the NHL. I feel some fans and media members in Buffalo act as if the NHL is the end all be all of sports, because they take pride in the fact that the sport stinks outside of Buffalo, in terms of viewership and fan interest. It’s like people in Buffalo who love drinking crown royal and take pride in it because other cities don’t drink it. At the end of the day, crown is disgusting, but hey it’s our drink.
I’ll admit, I buy the logic to a certain point. If the Sabres didn’t exist in Buffalo, I wouldn’t give a rats ass about the NHL. Once the Sabres get eliminated, wake me up when free agency starts, or in the Sabres case, 3 weeks after FA starts. I’ll watch some NHL teams play, mainly the top tier of the league. But if you think I’m going to sit through a snooze fest between the Devils and Thrashers, you got another thing coming to you. Like I said, I’d rather see Manning vs Brady than Ovechkin vs Crosby. There’s no way you can prove me wrong on the match-up.
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