Tim Graham on Bills fans

Tim Graham on Bills fans

Tim Graham, AFC East blogger for ESPN and former reporter for the Buffalo News gave his take on the fans of Buffalo and about the McKelvin vandalizing.

“As someone who has covered sports in Buffalo for almost a decade and is moving back to the area because of the people, I can state that Bills fans are some of the most respectful and passionate supporters I’ve ever encountered.

This is a region that chanted “We love Scott! We love Scott!” the day after Scott Norwood missed the field goal that would have won the Super Bowl.

“I’ve got to tell you right now that we’re struggling with this right now,” Norwood said, fighting through tears at City Hall in January 1991. “I know I’ve never felt more loved than this right now.

“We all realize the sun’s going to come up tomorrow.”

But whoever perpetrated the sophomoric crime probably was stupid enough to brag about it. Here’s hoping they get caught and receive the best punishment I can think of: having their pictures put on television so they can be humiliated in a very public way. Maybe then they’ll understand what it’s like to make a mistake on national television.  As for the rest of Buffalo’s fans, I have faith in them.”

Mind of Joe 
Well put. I do think though the biggest question to ask is what’s the real difference between McKelvin and Norwood. Now of course one guy cost the Super Bowl, and the other cost a regular season game. But the two situations represent the times, as in fans take sports more seriously than 20 years ago when Norwood missed that kick. I bet dollars to donuts that if the same situation with Norwood happened today in Buffalo, they would be cheering for his name alright, as in kill! kill! The rally that was held with Norwood crying makes me a bit teary eye when thinking about the fans in Buffalo, because that will never be done ever again. Society and the media now deem any sort of failure as a death sentence in sports. 
Another factor is McKelvin as a person. I’ve been on message boards and heard on talk radio that people aren’t fans of McKelvin. As in he talks like he’s stupid and ghetto. It’s the same stuff I heard about Marshawn Lynch when he got arrested. Hey, I’ll just say it, race is a factor in this. You think if Trent Edwards threw interceptions and cost the Bills the game, he would of been coming home to a lawn full of crap? Just because McKelvin may not talk like a scholar, shouldn’t deem him as being an idiot. 
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