Will you boo?

Will you boo?

Who says halftime can’t be entertaining? Ralph Wilson is getting his Hall of Fame ring at halftime of Sunday’s game. You think he would of loved to have the ceremony during the Bucs game?

With the fans venom at an all-time high, you gotta wonder if he’s going to get a negative reaction. I’m sure if the Bills blaze out to a 21-0 lead, all will be forgiven. But god forbid if the team is struggling by halftime. It could get ugly between die hard Bills fan who are just happy to have a team and the drunks who are just angry at the world. I’m talking fights in the stands. Don’t be surprised if they water down beers at the stadium.
I’ve been listening to WGR today and a lot of fans have called and said they will be booing. These are also the same fans who probably called last year and said they were canceling their season tickets because Jauron wasn’t fired.
I also find it kind of strange that the Bills website has nothing up on Wilson getting his ring Sunday. Maybe they are trying to keep it hush hush, so fans going to the game don’t get any ideas to boo.
Now would I boo Ralph if I was at the game? Honestly, I can’t boo an old guy who obviously doesn’t know what the hell is going on with the team. The dude is 91-years old. He may get a heart-attack from the fans booing him. Now would I cheer? No. I would just sip my beer and go on as if nothing was happening.
If you were going to the game, would you boo or not?
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