Bills vs Browns prediction

Bills vs Browns prediction

I totally feel like this is week 16 of the NFL season, and the Bills are out of the playoff hunt. You know the feeling, wake me up when the next year starts. I’m already mentally exhausted trying to figure out why this team sucks! All I know is even if the Bills win by 40 or 4 points, I still think they are a 4-5 win team.

I’m done getting excited because they beat crappy teams like the Raiders and Chiefs over the years. Do I think the Bills will beat the Browns? Yes. But what the hell will it accomplish? Jauron will still be your coach, a marketing whiz will be your GM, and Kawika Mitchell will still be your best linebacker.
Bottom line, this game will be about which team is worse. I have to say it’s the Browns. They don’t have any wide receivers anymore, the team’s tight end is Robert Royal for god sake. Their defense is in transition and is dead last in the NFL. The only way the Bills blow this game is if Jauron is out coached by Mangini, which he’s done before.
Maybe the players love for Jauron will outshine the hatred the Browns players have for Mangini. God you can picture the headlines if the Bills lose? “Nice guys finish last.” I think this is the week you can chalk one up for the good guys.

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