Tribe Time Now: The Lindor Lede


Jim Pete (@JimPeteEHC) from Everybody Hates Cleveland is joined by Bob Toth (@TheBobToth) of Did the Tribe Win Last Night?to talk about Francisco Lindor‘s year of exceeding expectations, Bryan Shaw‘s implosive year, a bullpen full of misfits, and ponder whether or not Chris Antonetti was serious about bringing up Bradley Zimmer and/or Clint Frazier, and what it means for Michael Brantley in 2016.


  • Francisco Lindor exceeded expectations in his 162 Game debut
  • Bryan Shaw’s overuse
  • The Indians have a very flawed, bottom-of-the-barrel bullpen
  • The yearly minor league bullpen signings
  • Chris Antonetti opened CIA headquarters to tell us the Indians would consider a Zimmer/Frazier call-up
  • But what about Brantley? How bad must it be for Zimmer and Frazier to be considered?
  • Damn Royals


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