What about the Children?

Tip to Robert.  You stay classy New England!

I was willing to give the Patriots the benefit of the doubt and believe that there was an honest mistake here … until I read that they gave the kid a Fred Taylor jersey. Fred Taylor? Fred Taylor and his 269 yards last year? That’s really the best you can do for the kid? What, was Zoltan Mesko(notes) too busy to sign a jersey?

The kids seemed to take it in stride, though.

“I thought it was fun,” student Levi Duharme said. “I like the videos; they were cool.”

Well, it probably still beats science class. The young fellow is being a better sport about it than I would’ve been. If they were just going to send a random intern and some videos, I’d have at least demanded to see the video of the Rams practice before Super Bowl XXXVI.

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