Alternative Catch Phrases: I Went to a Hockey Game and a Fight Broke Out

Alternative Catch Phrases: I Went to a Hockey Game and a Fight Broke Out

I went to a hockey game and Patrick Roy’s face friggin’ exploded.

I went to a hockey game and Tie Domi broke out.

I went to a hockey game and a live action Richard Simmons video broke out.

I went to a hockey game and Jeremy Roenick scared the beejeezus out of me.

I went to a hockey game and an afternoon nap broke out.

I went to a hockey game and… um… yeah… hello.

I went to a hockey game and gay porn broke out.

I went to a hockey game, met a girl, and the next day herpes broke out. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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