Wow. Not Young Anymore… And Some Links

Wow. Not Young Anymore... And Some LinksOccasionally I try to forget I haven’t been out of college for like 4.5 years. I house champagne. I accept every shot offer from every mild acquaintance I have. I order multiple beers at a time, God forbid I’d have to wait in a bar line for 3 minutes without a back-up drink in my hands.

And then the next morning comes.

Yup. I’ve definitely gotten old somewhere along the way. And today has been a complete train wreck…


At least I got to be there in person when Northwestern Alum “The Waterboy” got his heart ripped out of his chest and immediately get reminded by his wife that he was to go to a neighborhood New Year’s party with a bunch of 60 year olds he doesn’t really know.

Hopefully whatever you did over New Years Eve has you feeling as terrible as I do. I’m not giving in that way…

Now some links:

  • Even if you aren’t in love with cars, you’ll love this review of the Ford Fiesta. LINK HERE
  • The Snuggie for guys: The Tuggie. LINK HERE
  • The top 25 pop songs of 2009 in one mash-up. Pretty cool. LINK HERE
  • The Jersey Shore Snookie punch re-enacted by dogs? Yes, please. LINK HERE
  • Cuteness V the inhumanity of death. LINK HERE
  • Wow, this is Facebooking gone very, very wrong. LINK HERE
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