Sometimes the fine people of other websites ask us for a little interview. We say yes probably 100% or so of the time because we’re ego maniacs and LOVE sharing our opinons with other people and acting like we know what the hell we’re talking about.
And who doesn’t love our opinions?
They’re so intelligent. Like the time we did a radio show and couldn’t stop talking about fisting and/or stop making fisting realated jokes to the host’s pure horror. (LINK HERE)
So when the good people at ‘That Balls Outta Here‘ asked us to talk smack to the Philly fans, we obliged. Then they went out and beat the Cardinals 10-9 in the most entertaining game of the season thus far. (Maybe all games with the Phillies will be awesome from here out?)
Read the article if you want to actually look at something other than the Rally Streaker’s dong (see below for that). We’ll be back later this weekend for some Memorial Day action. We even plan on a Live Blog of the Memorial Day Bachelorette on Monday, you know, to honor the troops and whatnot.
Now, the Friday Links…
- And why were you accepted into Purdue? LINK HERE
- 400 years of medicine. LINK HERE
- Please send an eUnvite today. LINK HERE
- The most inspiring commencement speeches of 2012. LINK HERE
- The best reactions to the Google Moog. LINK HERE
- Anderson Cooper. The voice of reason in America? LINK HERE
That’s it. That’s the week. Hope you enjoy your big bad Memorial Day weekend. And remember to thank someone in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Reserves or Air Force that are protecting your right to get shitty by a lake this weekend and act like an idiot.
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