We’ve Hit The Bottom of The Barrel


It’s official. 

We’ve run out of things to talk about.

For reference, please see this article (LINK HERE) to an actual column in an actual newspaper. Someone please notify Al Gore that we’re all clear to shut this Internet thing down.

Last one out, hit the lights. 

I applaud the effort it took to put that together. And the moxy it took to get that past an editor. But the premise is about as shaky as Bobby Brown showing up for an 8a appointment.  

In a related story, Aaron Hooks would have a much better success rate dating Victoria’s Secret models if Adam Levine hadn’t been born. Probably would have been the Cardinals first baseman too if that wiener Albert Pujols had quit baseball.

Also? The San Diego fireworks show last night was fun for the whole family. LINK HERE

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