Yanks/Sox “rivalry”?

Good afternoon (morning to some). As you all know by now Evan started his vacation this morning, lucky him, so I will be your first ?guest? writer. For those who do not know me, my name is Dan Benton and I cover the New York Giants for Most Valuable Network and yes – I am a Yankees fan. However, fear not, I will not fill your hears with pro-Yankees propaganda. (Well.. Okay, maybe a little.)
Actually, I?ll be honest. I haven?t followed baseball this year as much as I normally do. I can?t really give a reason as to why, but one thing I have noticed (from a New York standpoint) is that the fire of the Red Sox versus Yankees rivalry seems to have died down. I remember when I used to watch those games my heart would race a million miles an hour. I refused to blink with every pitch, regardless of the score. My house would have five TV?s on, all the game. I would hear people yelling down the street when the Yankees score and groans when the Red Sox did. This year however, I find the other TV?s in my house on American Idol, no more yelling, no more groaning ? and sadly no more rapid heartbeat. For some reason it?s become just another game. As a matter of fact when I look back that feeling has died slowly with each day since the Red Sox have won the World Series.
Don?t get me wrong, the game are still fun, but I just seem more interested in the Yankees beating the Mets this year than the Red Sox. I?ve got to ask, does it feel the same way from the other side?
Even the players on the field seem friendlier than ever. Sure, the players (for the most part) have always gotten along, but this year it seems like a love fest – players on the field joking around before, during and after the game. Perfect examples would be David Ortiz and Robinson Cano messing around after Cano threw out ?Big Papi? from the outfield. Another would be Manny ?joking? with Melky Cabrera after stealing a homerun ? followed by a big hug the following day.
I do enjoy watching the sportsman ship, but it really seems to have taken the edge off of the whole rivalry. I hate the feeling of actually liking Red Sox players. I don?t mean that in a bad way at all, but I want to despise them and I just don?t.
I hope as the season goes along someone hits the rewind button and I get that same feeling I had in the stands as I watched the Red Sox versus the Yankees live for the first time as Clemens and Pedro dueled in the best game I?ve ever seen.
(Guys, sorry if this article was ?lacking? or seemed rushed or ?lame?. I just got back from the doctor and they found a lump in my stomach that needs to be biopsied. So needless to say, I?m not in the best mindset to be writing a good article. Hope you ll have a great weekend.)

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