Update: Moving to another server

Server migration begins tonight. Expect at least one day of downtime for the main projectspurs.com html pages, while the podcast, blog, forum, gallery and chat will take a few days longer. The podcast feed has already been transferred, so you should stil be able to download releases through our RSS Feed and iTunes.
ProjectSpurs.com and all of the ProjectSpurs pages will be moving to a new server starting this week. We hope to have all of the pages and databases moved and up at our new server by next week.
The change comes because our current host is closing down and no longer offering hosting services. The change needed to come at sometime, however, because we were quickly outgrowing our host and had to upgrade our plan every other month due to traffic and bandwidth.
There may be some downtime on ProjectSpurs.com until the change, but we are working hard to make sure it is done as quickly as possible.
Thanks for your patience,
The Project Spurs team

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