Live Spurscast Tonight!

We’ve talked previously about the possibility of doing a live call-in version of The Spurscast once or twice a month. I’ve looked at Skypecasting, High Speed Conferencing, and Blog Talk Radio, but finally arrived at Talk Shoe earlier this week and have listened to a few Talk Shoe shows and it seems like its going to work out. So tonight at 9:30 p.m. Eastern (8:30 central) we’re going to do a short test and then a show to see how it all works out.
Live Spurscast Tonight!To listen go here at around 8:30 central and click on the Listen, Text or Talk Live. You can listen to the live stream directly on that website, but if you want to use the text chat or call in, you’ll have to sign up for an account and download the client (Windows and Mac).
You can call from a landline, cell phone or Skype using the number (724) 444-7444, then it’ll ask you for the show id (3685) and your pin. Once you’ve done that, you’re in. It would be awesome to have listeners call in, text chat or just listen to the live stream so we can see how it works with more than just us.
We’re pretty excited about testing this all out. The live recordings automatically get hosted and posted on our talk shoe page for later listening. I’m also going to release a slightly higher quality and edited version of the live show a few days after the recording.

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