Knicks-Nuggets Fight

Knicks-Nuggets FightWell it’s a slow television night tonight and I was flipping thru the channels when I came across a fight between the NY Knicks and the Denver Nuggets. At the time, the Nuggets were leading by 18 points with about a minute and half to go when Mardy Collins of the Knicks picked up a flagrant foul against the Nuggets J.R. Smith. Smith did not take kind to the foul and went after Collins. Then little Nate Robinson went after Smith as well and their little battle spilled over into the front row behind the basket. In the midst of this happening, Carmelo Anthony came in and pushed Nate Richardson. Nate Robinson was then ready to go with anyone at that point. Then you can see Carmelo Anthony hitting Mardy Collins of the Knicks. On the replay on television, you could actually hear the punch hit Jefferies face. Then Jared Jefferies chased Carmelo Anthony down the court.

After the fracas ended, the refs got together and decided to eject all 10 players on the court. So this was the first time in NBA history that 10 players were ejected at one time. Given all that happened a few years ago at the Palace in Auburn Hills when the Pistons and Pacers had their infamous fight, that no spectators were involved in this one.

This is just another blackeye for the NY Knicks and the NBA. The Knicks already have enough problems as it is and now this. You can be sure that the Commish David Stern will not be lenient when it comes to the fines and suspensions.

Click here to watch the fight or you can watch a recap of the game below. The fight starts at the 1:28 mark of this video.

[youtube NHI2HYE2J0A nolink]

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