Problems with J.D. Drew??

Problems with J.D. Drew??Well if you remember last week, J.D. Drew was supposed to be announced together with Julio Lugo as the newest members of the Boston Red Sox but wasn’t because of a formality in the contract language. This doesn’t seem to be the case though. It appears that there are problems with J.D. Drew’s shoulder and he may have failed his physical.

What does this mean for the Red Sox? Well tomorrow he is supposed to go for a second opinion on his right shoulder. The Red Sox will probably try now to renegotiate the contract with Drew.

Let’s hope this is just a minor issue for Drew and the Red Sox. To me, Drew is an important piece of the puzzle next season. Also there isn’t a RF left on the free agent market that is in the same class of J.D. Drew. Sorry Trot.

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