Former Sox Reliever Foulke To Sign With Cleveland

Former Sox Reliever Foulke To Sign With
      ClevelandFormer Red Sox closer, Keith Foulke, is set to sign a 1 year deal with the Cleveland Indians. The deal will be a 1 year deal with possibly a club or mutual option for another year. He will compete with Joe Borowski for the closer position.

What I don’t get is this. Foulke wanted to sign a deal with a team that was closer to his home in Arizona. While Cleveland is a lot closer to Phoenix than Boston is, Foulke signing there just doesn’t make sense. The closer position in Boston was probably his had he resigned there since there is really no competition for the job right now. Yes they didn’t exercise his option nor did he exercise his but he had a chance to make a little less money to play on a very competitive club. I guess the Indians think they have a chance in the AL Central next year.
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