Remember what I was telling you???

A week ago, I posted a little story about how the Buckeyes always seem to turn on the jets when there is less than 10 minutes to play in the game. I gave plenty of examples from late in the season.

The moral of the story is that Ohio State just does not tire out down the stretch, and actually gets stronger towards the end.

Today, with 10 minutes left in the game, Memphis led 60-57. The Buckeyes scored 35 points in those final 8+ minutes, and held Memphis to just 16. Think about that for a minute….Ohio State went on a 35-16 run against the 5th-ranked team in the NCAA. That’s an incredible statistic.

The afterburners went on and carried the Buckeyes all the way to the Final Four.

Now they get to scout out their next opponent, and it’ll be personal for this Buckeye squad. They either get to play North Carolina and avenge a loss from earlier this season, or they get to play Georgetown and avenge the loss that eliminated them last year.

Me, I’d rather face UNC. Both teams scare me, but I think we’re better equipped to face the Tarheels. Plus, we’ve seen what they have this year. And we got squeaked on the road without Greg Oden.

Oh, well…in 18 hours, we’ll know our opponent. And we’ll get 5 days of practicing for that opponent.

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