Glenn Geffner is getting worse

Last night, I listened to the Red Sox-Toronto radio broadcast as I was out and about. I truly believe that the Red Sox have made a grave mistake in hiring this man as the third announcer. Dave O’Brien was hired from ESPN to be Jerry Trupiano’s replacement, but he is unable to work a full schedule because of his commitments to Monday Night Baseball and Thursday Night Soccer. To make a long story short, Geffner works when O’Brien can’t.

Main announcer Joe Castiglione must be pulling his hair out when Geffner works in the booth. Red Sox fans truly deserve better as Geffner obsesses on certain points and doesn’t let go. Last night, he was talking about some nude beach in Toronto and asked Castiglione if he visited it. And he wouldn’t let go either. I don’t care. Talk about the game. He’s terrible. When O’Brien is with Castiglione, the broadcast flows. When Geffner is on, I change the station.

One link for you. The Players Championship is on this weekend. After a month and a half of CBS covering the PGA Tour, NBC takes over. This means Johnny Miller will be in the 18th tower with Dan Hicks. But the thing is, Miller is not popular with the pros as he’s very blunt. Mike McCarthy of USA Today cites Sports Illustrated 6th Annual PGA Tour Player Survey in which Miller is extremely unpopular. McCarthy says while the professionals don’t like Miller, viewers do.

We’ll have updates as they warrant.

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