Dwight Freeney rules old school

You gotta love Freeney. In a day where guys that are in line to get paid millions act like petulant children, Colts DE Dwight Freeney is stepping up to the plate.


Freeney has said that he won’t hold out of mini-camps; that he’s not upset with being franchise tagged; he loves the Colts, and he wants to spend time with the young guys.

Geeze, that’s refreshing. It shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t have to go nuts over a guy for showing up and doing his job for millions of dollars, but in today’s NFL, you have to. Freeney is showing why the Colts would be smart to invest in him. He’s being a leader and making the Asante Samuels and Lance Briggs of the world look like chumps.

I certainly hope Freeney has more great years that would put him on track for the Ring of Honor or even HoF, but if not, his comments have all but assured him a spot as a Classic Colt.

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