Lost Finale

Wow. What can I say? After being down on this series for a year and a half, I must say I’m totally back in Lost’s camp. This two hour finale was tremendous.

Not only is the entire series thrown for a loop, but you have Jack in a downward spiral. You’ve got Ben dead. Mr. Friendly, dead. Naomi is not who she said she was (gotta listen to Ben!). And Ben himself is dead.

Let’s review. You have where we left off last week. Charlie’s in the Looking Glass. The castaways are getting ready for their counterattack on The Others.

Sayid, Bernard and Jin will wait as three of The Others come to the beach at night as the castaways were tipped off in the last episode. But Bernard, Jin and Sayid are ready. Dynamite has been set up in the tents. The three wait in the woods and as The Others including Mr. Friendly/Tom check, two shots are fired and the TNT goes off. But Jin fails to hit the dynamite. He does kill one Other, but can’t hit the TNT, and all three are captured.

Jack is leading his group to the radio tower hoping that Charlie has managed to stop Ben’s jamming of the signal at the Looking Glass, however, Charlie is a bit indisposed having been captured by two women who have been manning their posts.

In the meantime, we see cracks in The Others’ camp. They’re wondering about Ben’s leadership and questioning his motives. Mikhail isn’t happy, but he goes to the Looking Glass after Ben pleads with him to go. In fact, Ben has told The Others that the Looking Glass had been flooded. Not the case.

At the beginning of the episode, we see Jack about to commit suicide. He’s on a bridge, ready to jump when a car accident occurs. He stops his plans for now and goes to help. He helps a woman, brings to the hospital. Jack inadvertently becomes a hero. However, we know that Jack is not right. He has a beard. He seems to wandering aimlessly. He’s checking the woman’s chart and wants to perform surgery on her, but he’s not allowed to. Jack sees his ex-wife, pregnant with another man’s child. All this is pressing on him.

Back to the island, Ben decides to go to meet Jack alone. Alex asks to tag along and to her surprise, Ben says yes.

Ben finally meets up with Jack. Jack says he’s going to get his people off the island. Ben says that’s not a good idea.

At the Looking Glass, Mikhail has made it down surprising the two women. In addition, Desmond who was unconscious has made it down after Mikhail shot at him from the beach. Desmond’s hiding. Mikhail asks Ben what to do. Ben orders Mikhail to kill Charlie and the two women.

Ben radios his men at the beach. Tells them that if they don’t hear from him in one minute, to shoot Sayid, Jin and Bernard.

Also, Sawyer and Juliet have gone to the beach to see what they can do. Juliet says there’s a cache of weapons, but to Sawyer’s surprise, finds out there is no cache. Hurley wants to join them, but he’s rejected. Remember, he was rejected by Charlie to go to the Looking Glass last week, so Hurley’s getting a complex.

We hear three shots on the radio. Apparently, Jin, Bernard and Sayid are dead. Jack goes ballistic on Ben and beats him up.

Back to the Dharma pit where Locke was shot. He’s injured, but not badly enough to die. He finds a gun and is about to commit suicide when all of a sudden, he sees …. Walt??????? Didn’t he and Michael get off the island???? Walt tells Locke that he has to get up and he has more work to do. That scene fucked me up for 30 seconds.

To Jack’s flashback. He’s now in trouble. He’s taking pills. He’s trying to get someone on the phone. Is it his dad? Is it his ex-wife? Who? He tries to fill a prescription. He can’t. Jack walks off in a huff and is barely surviving.

Back at the Looking Glass, Mikhail shoots the two women. He’s about to shoot Charlie when Desmond comes out of hiding and shoots him with a harpoon. One woman is alive. Desmond is about to kill her when Charlie stops him. He needs her to get signals into the island. Charlie finally gets the code to shut off the jamming. He finds out it’s the notes to Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys. Charlie is going to save everybody. Desmond looks and notices that Mikhail is gone. In the meantime, Charlie has cleared the jamming. There’s an incoming signal. It’s Penny. She’s been looking for Desmond for years. Charlie tells her that Desmond is with him and that Naomi is on the island. Penny says she doesn’t know Naomi. Charlie looks out the window and notices Mikhail! He’s got a grenade!!!! He lets go of the pin. Desmond hears Penny’s voice, but just before he gets to see her, Charlie seals off the room and the explosion goes off flooding it with water. Before he dies, Charlie writes, “NOT PENNY’S BOAT” on his hand and puts it up to the door window so Desmond can see it. Charlie has died heroically, something more than his character deserved, but so be it. He died with honor and exactly how Desmond said he would.

So the Castaways are heading to the radio tower. Rosseau has been reunited with Alex.

To the beach, we find out that Jin, Bernard and Sayid are alive. Mr. Friendly/Tom is also questioning Ben’s leadership. Sawyer and Juliet are wondering how they’re going to fight the three Others without weapons when Hurley drives in with Ben’s father’s van and runs over one of them. Sayid takes out another with his feet by breaking the guy’s neck. Sayid rocks! Sawyer finds a gun of The Other who was run over. Tom decides to surrender, but Sawyer kills him anyway. Sawyer rocks! Hurley rocks! Jin, Sayid and Bernard are all ok.

Back to the hospital, the Chief of Surgery is questioning Jack. Apparently the woman who Jack saved has regained consciousness and told how he got into her predicament. She revealed that she saw a man standing on the edge of the bridge about to jump when her car slammed into Jack’s went into the next lane and was hit from behind by a van. Jack is stunned. He saved a woman, but it was his fault. Jack is drunk and is in a huge downward spiral.

On the island, Jack finds out everyone on the beach is safe. The castaways arrive at the radio tower where Rosseau shuts off her distress call. Naomi is going to make a call on her satellite phone. Ben warns Jack. Rosseau kills Ben. Naomi gets a signal and the phone rings on the other end. All of a sudden, IT’S LOCKE WITH THE KNIFE IN THE GRASSY KNOLL TO KILL NAOMI. Jack’s pissed. Locke’s pissed. Locke warns Jack not to make the call. Jack picks up the phone and calls. He gets someone. It appears everyone will be rescued.

To the flashback. Jack is in his apartment getting drunk. There are maps and atlases everywhere. Jack makes a call. He asks the person on the other line to meet him. This person does.

Jack gets to the meeting place. He gets out. The other person gets out. IT’S KATE?????? Yes, this is not a flashback. It’s FLASHFORWARD! Apparently, the castaways have been rescued.

But Jack says he can’t live life like this. He’s been flying every weekend hoping his plane would crash. Kate is silent. Jack mentions that he has to attend a funeral and hands the name of the person to Kate. She asks why would she go? She hands the note back to Jack. Who’s funeral? What the hell?

And then, Jack says “We have to go back to the island. We weren’t supposed to leave!”

Kate gets back to her car and says yes they were. That’s how we end the season.

Man. What an episode. This was an A+++ for me. There are a few questions here like what happens to The Others? Does Desmond get back to Penny? Who’s funeral is it? And who’s Kate with now? And we have to wait until February 2008 for 16 new episodes. I can’t wait.

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