Penn State Recap #1: Temple


For the first time since World War 2, Temple has beaten Penn State. The 2015 season got underway this afternoon and it didn’t take long for the Lions to show glimpses of improvement  and then not so much. After a 3 and out by the Owls, Penn State opened the game with a 33-yard run by Freshman Brandon Polk. Penn State would later score a field goal to go up 3-0. Akeel Lynch later busted a 41-yard TD and the Lions held a 10-0 lead. Temple added a Touchdown in the second quarter to make the score 10-7.

Then the flood gates opened. Temple would score another 20 points while Penn State only had 2 first downs compared to 6 Sacks in the second half. Penn State lost 27-10.

Reaction: What was John Donovan thinking? Brandon Polk had 2 rushes for 50 yards in the first quarter, and then he doesn’t touch the ball again. What is that? We know the offensive line is bad, even though Franklin said it had gotten better. You cannot have these long developing plays when Hackenberg has less than 2 seconds to get rid of the ball. Daesean Hamilton led the B1G in catches last season and he had 1 today. One! Let me tell you something Johnny boy… A guy by the name of Aaron Rodgers is probably the best QB in all of football right now, and one of his best traits is his quick release. Christian has a quick release as well. Run some slants with the speedy recievers and just move the ball forward. Get Polk more involved and just get the ball into the wideouts hands as fast as possible. Hackenberg was 11/25 for 103 yards with a pick. Not a great start at all to say the least.

On the defensive side, we lost Wartman for the year which is a big blow. Giving up 27 points to a non power 5 school isn’t good at all, but you can’t blame them considering they were on the field 70% of the time. I thought the D-line played well, but the secondary could’ve done more. I didn’t hear Jordan Lucas’ name once.

Franklin better get this team into better shape or recruits will start rethinking their decision, because honestly I am very disappointed with everything. Giving up 10 sacks is INEXCUSABLE! Next week is Buffalo, I can only hope the offense is better.

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