Tarik Glenn to retire?


Tarik Glenn to retire?

What a disastrous blow to the defending champs. I can’t even process what this means right now. My initial thoughts: Is this a negotiating ploy? I doubt it. Tarik is too much of a stand up guy. Seriously, come on back big fella. I will rename this site 18to88protectedby78.com if it means you’ll come back for one more year.

The bright lights of Arizona and Super Bowl XLII now seem very dim. More on this story as it develops.

Deshawn Zombie’s Comments: WTF? I take the night off to go to the movies with my wife and this happens? Freaking Harry Potter. Demond! How could you let this happen?? Seriously, though, this makes the Ugoh pick seem even more clutch. By the way, the reason the morons at Scouts Inc. didn’t like that pick was they questioned his ‘desire’ to play football, because he skipped spring ball to compete in the shot put. Polian thought this spoke to his dedication and competitiveness. Fools like Jeremy “I drafted the Browns straight into Hell” Green differed. We’ll miss Glenn. Should he retire, he’ll get immediate nomination to the Classic Colts (unless lingering bitterness persists).

Why would a player who was about to cash in on the open market retire? Here’s my best guesses: 1. Weight issues. My chief guess is that Glenn’s weight got out of control after the Super Bowl, and he’s too emotionally worn out to face camp again. 2. An unknown injury? 3. He just really doesn’t want to do another training camp at his age and will wondrously reappear before the season starts.

Demond Sanders’ Comments: The weight issue definitely shot through my mind, especially after the Corey Simon fiasco. I do understand it has to be incredibly hard on these guys. They pretty much sacrifice their physical health in the second half of their lives to play football. Looking back, we may end up respecting Glenn more for this decision, but liking him less. There has to be a pretty good reason for him to retire because he’s leaving another ring and millions of dollars on the table.

Deshawn Zombie’s Update: The ESPN story has been changed to say that Glenn has now informed the Colts of his intentions and that one teammate said that he is burnt out. I’ll post later on my feelings about burn out, but for now, we should all remember that Johnathan Ogden ‘retired’ a few years ago as well, but came right back. You aren’t retired in the NFL until you fill paperwork with the league. Just saying that you are retired doesn’t make it real.

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