Thursday Links

Been out and about today, but I’ll give you a few links here.

The return of ESPN to NASCAR is this weekend. If you haven’t watched ESPN lately, you’re lucky not to have seen the many promos which have flooded all of the Alleged Worldwide Leader’s programs. Anyway, John Sturbin of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram looks forward to the return. Payton Towns III of the Dublin (GA) Courier Herald also looks forward to ESPN returning to NASCAR. From the Daly Planet blog which follows TV coverage of motorsports, John Daly dreads ESPN’s re-entry into the NASCAR market. Mike Mulhern of the Winston-Salem Journal says while ESPN was great for NASCAR when it covered the races in the 1980’s and 1990’s, he shares the same concerns as Daly.

And the bashing of the Alleged Worldwide Leader continues. Mario Sarmento of the Boca Raton (FL) News says ESPN is doing a big disservice to fans.

Gwen Knapp of the San Francisco Chronicle writes about the town meeting ESPN conducted last night concerning Barry Bonds. John Ryan of the San Jose Mercury News says there was one voice heard loud and clear at the event.

Pierce Huff of the New Orleans Times-Picayune says Arena Football League officials are happy in its first year of a five year contract with ESPN.

Mike Cronin of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says the not guilty plea of John Duffy of ESPN Radio in the Steel City has led to problems for another John Duffy who has also worked for ESPN Radio, Pittsburgh. Weird.

Fans of Steve Stone will get to see him back on WGN-TV again, but working on a White Sox game.

From Mark Snyder’s Big Ten blog in the Detroit Free Press, it appears the battle between the Big Ten Network and various cable and satellite companies isn’t going away anytime soon. And the Big Ten Network says the move by Echostar to classify the channel as a Regional Sports Network is a “brazen ploy”. The Columbus Dispatch looks at the 24 classic Big Ten football games that will be aired on the network. And Bryce Miller of the Des Moines Register says the Big Ten Network is looking for other events to televise, not just football and basketball.

Dusty Saunders of the Rocky Mountain News reports that Denver will get another sports radio station.

From the 38Cliches blog, LC notes that Glenn Geffner has been torturing Red Sox radio listeners for 14 straight games?????!!!!!! The prisoners at Abu Gharib weren’t subjected to that.

That’s it for now.

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