The Dumbest man alive

That’s it. Vic is officially insane. Today he questioned whether Marvin Harrison was going to the Hall of Fame because he lacks a defining post season moment.

He thought Harrison might wind up in the same boat as Art Monk. Forget that Harrison dwarfs Monk in every conceivable category. Forget that Harrison has almost THREE TIMES as many pro bowls as Monk. Forget that Harrison has more than twice as many all pro teams (7) as Monk does mere probowls (3). Forget all that, and yes, Monk and Harrison are comparable.

I hate the Jaguars. I really do. I’d rather lose to New England than those clowns. I can’t wait to clown them in October. It’ll make my freaking year.

Demond Sanders’ Comments: Infuriating and lazy. We are talking about a player who is one of the twenty best NFL players ever at any position. (Not to mention the fact that Marvin had at least two memorable and important playoff moments this year.) Also, Marvin has 80 more receptions in his 11 seasons than Monk had in his entire 16 season career. Uh, yeah he might have a slightly stronger case for the HOF. . .

To update you on the Corey Simon drama: According to Tony Dungy, Simon has failed his physical, thus the greivance process will continue. More on this as it develops.

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