An absolutely must read

The Indy Star really does have great Colts coverage. With the exception of Kravitz, the reporting by Chappell and Phillip B. Wilson is strong. Phil B. Wilson’s blog from Colts camp is awesome.

Seriously, if you care at all about the Colts, you MUST read this blog each day. It’s really strong work.

Also today, you can check out a couple of John Clayton articles from Colts’ camp:

The first is free, the second is not, but both are good reads. Right now the three biggest camp questions seem to be going well. They are in order:
1. Who will play LT?
2. How will the LBs play?
3. Who will back up Joe Addai?

Also, if you are a new reader of the Footballoutsiders, check out this recap of some of their best articles.

I’m still wading through it, and will recomend the best ones as I find them.

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