18to88 Inbox

We’ve gotten a lot of mail and comments in the last few days…here’s some highlights:

Stan from Nashville says:

I’m a native of Nashville. My parents and siblings are all Titan season ticket holders. I became a Titan fan when the Oilers moved (after rooting for the NY Giants ever since 1963 when I was 7).In 2003, the Colts and Titans became division rivals. I had been convinced for several years that Steve McNair was the Titans’ weak link. That season turned me into a Peyton Manning fan (and thus one who roots for the Colts).In 2003, the Titans were better at defensive line, at LB and in the secondary. They were far superior at special teams (Jeff is always good atST). They had the best pass protecting offensive line that I have ever seen. They had quality TEs (better than the Colts — Pollard was soover-rated) and a WR corps almost as good as the Colts (Mason and 88 werethe only pro bowlers, TN had a very good group of young WRs, and the passpro was so awesome, McNair had open receivers every play).

The only clear cut advantage the Colts had was at QB. They were basically equal on the whole at the other skill positions and significantly worse than the Titans at every other position. Because of the new division rivalry, I really paid attention to the Colts for the first time that year.Watching Manning outplay McNair week after week was as eye-opening as anything I could ever remember. Listening to people who voted for McNair for MVP justify their votes was perhaps even more amazing — could people really be that stupid? Don’t they pay attention to the quality of pass protection? Apparently not.

By November of 2003, I was convinced that Manning was the greatest QB I had ever seen and I was rooting for the Colts. Over the last four seasons, hehas played better and done more for his team than any QB in NFL history –and no one else is even close. And it has nothing to do with his stats.For example, he does more to create a running game from nothing than any QB ever. There is a reason he gets wider and quicker to the mesh point on the outside zone stretch than any other QB (a play that Jeff Fisher says theTitans simply cannot replicate in practice — major deal since it is the Colts bread and butter running play). And of course, he gets no credit for it, at all, in the national media.”

Wow, Stan, that’s awesome stuff. My bet is that you aren’t the only one in Nashville rooting for the blue and white due to the presence of #18.

Danny Cash says:
“Hilarious – that Star Wars page is awesome. I’m a huge Bears fan, so thanks for giving us at least a little respect”

Danny, we are not Bears haters. We are Jags and Pats haters. May you succeed in all you do, as long as your interests don’t conflict with our interests (i.e. XLII).

Lee Beinkowski complained about VY:
“Since it looks as though Michael Vick is going to be out of the league for awhile, I think Vince Young will succeed to his title as the most over-rated player in the NFL. Every time I hear some talking head enthuse over Young I think back to the Jags’ game versus the Titans in December last year. Young through for a very impressive 85 yards and the Titans rushed for 41 yards.The only reason the Titans won was because Garrard had THREE picks run back for TDs. The Titans offense failed to score a point. Yet after the game, I heard some twerp say that the “Vince Young legend continues”.”

DING DING DING. That’s exactly the problem. We aren’t Vince Young haters; we just don’t think he was responsible for the team going 8-8.

Buried in the comments sections of previous posts were a couple of thoughts that deserved to see the light of day. One Pats fan said the Pats were more like the cartoon Grievous and not the movie Grievous. Hmmm, so they are cowardly and run off in the face of danger, are pawns of Palpatine, and get their chest crushed by Mace Windu….maybe you’re right!

Another fan blamed the Colts special teams play on coaching, saying that talent matters little on special teams. I wildly disagree. Speed, size and raw physical gifts matter on ST more than at any other point of the game. All you have to do is run and hit. The better you run and hit the better your ST unit is. The Colts perennially suck at ST because they have to use their best athletes on D (see Mathis, Robert). Their salary structure means that they aren’t deep and don’t have the talent to expend.

Thanks for your comments and email; you can always reach us at [email protected]. Remember to check out the podcast!

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