Vick’s Newser

Michael Vick steps in front of the microphones at the Omni Hotel to speak to reporters. Earlier this morning, Vick pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting charges. He will be sentenced on December 10 and the judge told Vick that he is under no obligation to sentence him to the lower amount of time.

Billy Martin talks first and says Vick has wanted to tell his side of the story, but did not under advice of counsel. He now brings Vick to the podium.

Vick says most of his life, he’s been a football player. He says he’ll take this opportunity to speak from the heart. Vick apologizes for everything that happened. Apologizes to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, the Atlanta Falcons, his teammates and the young kids who look up to him. He says he wasn’t honest and forthright with them because he was ashamed. He asks for forgiveness. He takes full responsibility for his actions. Doesn’t blame anyone else. Says he made mistakes. He used bad judgment and says he has found Jesus and will ask God for forgiveness. Vick says he has a lot of things to think about in the next year. Says he let down a lot of people and he will build from this. Says he is a role model to kids and he’s let them down. That’s it. He leaves the room without taking questions.

The Atlanta Falcons will hold their own press conference at 12:30 p.m. ET. We’ll monitor.

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